The System collects the relevant data of each student at the time of Admission. It also allows changing the incorrect information any time.
Promotion to next class could be automated through this system.
At the time of leaving the school it helps to provide Transfer Certificate and the same is stored permanently for any further reference.
Following are the major differences between existing system & our proposed system:
It collects the relevant data of fee against each student who is eligible for paying fee for taking admission in the school and carries on with further study in the school. System can trace and provide reports against fee details during stay in the school.
When student leave the school it helps to provide clearance as far as fee is concerned.
Following are the major differences in between existing system & our proposed system:
It collects the relevant data of academic progress with respect to each student taking admission in the school. Any changes thereafter could be maintained in the system.
When a student leaves the school it helps to provide complete academic progress report for him/her and transfers the details to the archival database for any further reference.
Following are the major differences in between existing system & our proposed system:
It collects the relevant data of a book corresponding to any book which store the information related to the specified topics.
Following are the major differences in between existing system & our proposed system:
It collects the relevant data of an employee working within an organization and updates the change.
When an employee leave the organization it helps to provide Employment Certificate & transfer to employee recode to the archival database for any further reference.
Following are the major differences in between existing system & our proposed system:
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